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Daniel Iniesta González

Video Game Developer

About Me

Hi! My name is Daniel Iniesta González, a video game developer focused on the Quality Assurance side of the video game development. I have been using the Unity3D engine and C# to create video games since 2019.

I believe that having the maximum amount of points of view on video game development is key to growing in the field of Quality Assurance. That's why I keep learning both software development and design, while improving my reporting and communitation skills.

When developing software I use the SOLID principles and Design Patterns to build robust and efficient software, but always looking forward to knowing more about them. Furthermore, I like to learn game design to have broad insight into the development cycle.

Working in plural teams alongside people with diverse experiences and backgrounds moves me. It allow me to learn other points of view while sharing my own experiences and expertise. I am eager to improve day by day to become a better professional.

You can contact me here:

Let's make Video Games!

Latest Projects

Orbitria's Tales - MoaMoai

A mixed game between a turn-based RPG and a rogue-lite.

I collaborate with a small team to create this title, working alongside colleagues with different roles (programmers, artists 2D and 3D, a musician, and a producer) to achieve it.

My duties are mainly technical, amongst others:

  • I managed to reduce by 40% the time needed to create and test abilities by refactoring the custom tool and using Scriptable objects.
  • Built a tool to generate a custom mesh at runtime to visualize the procedurally generated dungeon on a minimap.
  • Designing and implementing different game mechanics.
  • Gameplay programming.
  • Implement AI behaviors.

WoWTFT - An autochess with the WoW pets

I think this is what some of Blizzard's fans expected when the auto-chess genre became so popular, so I created my approach.

  • I learned how to adapt code and tools based on the target platform.
  • Added unity tools like the animator, profiler, and shader graph to my toolkit.
  • Use of different mathematical algorithms to place game elements correctly.
  • I implemented different settings managers to make more handy the customization of parameters.
  • Built prefabs with the imported models and animations.

KanjiPractice - Practice Japanese Kanji

As a Japanese student, I thought that building this little app, both to test my current skills and learn Japanese was a great idea.

  • Worked with the UI system in unity. Learnt how to properly build responsive UI's. Especially for mobile devices.
  • Incremented my SOLID knowledge and implemented more robust software using different design patterns.
  • Learned about technologies like PDollar that helped me to implement the systems I needed.

Shaders and VFX

I love to learn about VFX and shader development. Here are some VFX and particle systems I have been playing around with.

  • ShieldsShields
  • Special BoxSpecialBox
  • PortalPortal
  • Angry EyesAngryEyes
